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Purim 5785

Madrichim (TAs)

Madrichim (TAs) in 8th, 9th and 10th grades
7th, 8th, 9th and 10th grades meet 11:30-1:00 every Sunday. Teens working as madrichim (TAs) in younger classrooms must also be enrolled and attending their own grade level class. Please note: we are not providing lunch this year.  Madrichim are welcome to pack a lunch or buy a bagel. We will have a small snack available. These students leave the younger classroom at 11:30 and join their own grade level class at 11:30. Attendance is taken in the older grade levels to make sure students working as leaders are following through on their commitment.

Madrichim application click here.

Leadership Training for Madrichim

Hello Madrichim and families!
This year we have a very special program to help you develop leadership and professional skills to get the most of your Oak Park Temple Madrichim position.   The program is being provided by Springboard (see below). To follow is a letter explaining this program, which has three one hour meetings during this school year. There is a link to an electronic form each of you has to submit.  Please get these three dates on your calendar!   We will provide lunch for each of these meetings and you will be paid for the time spent in each meeting as part of your professional development!  
Dear Madrichim and Families:
I am excited to let you know that Springboard is partnering with Oak Park Temple to provide a Madrichim Training Program this year. This program will help provide your teen with the tools to live out Jewish values as a leader and role model in the congregation.

In addition to our work with congregations, Springboard facilitates the 18 Under 18 teen leadership award, partners with community program providers to run exciting and innovative school break trips, and provides concierge services to teens and families looking to find Jewish teen opportunities that meet each person’s individual needs.

The Springboard Madrichim Trainings are scheduled for:
Fall Workshop: October 27, 2019 from 1:00-2:00 PM
Winter Workshop: January 12, 2020 from 1:00-2:00 PM
Spring Workshop: April 19, 2020 from 1:00-2:00 PM
All three training are a required Madrichim responsibilities.
Please fill out the electronic program waiver  today!
Feel free to contact me with any questions about Springboard or the Madrichim Training Program we are providing.
I look forward to supporting your teen in their role in the religious school and as they develop their own Jewish identity and community.
Brittany Abramowicz Cahan

Assistant Director, Springboard


Phone: 312.357.4977 Address: 30 S. Wells St, Chicago, IL 60606

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Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785