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Purim Carnival

Sunday, March 24, 2024 14 Adar II 5784

9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Oak Park Temple Purim Carnival and Megillah Reading
Sunday, March 24th @ 9:30 AM to Noon.

9:30 am - Megillah Reading & celebration in Sanctuary

10:15 am - Carnival Begins - Games, Prizes and more! 

10:30 am - Torah Study in Ad Ed Room with Rabbi Weiss, Rabbi Kirzane and Cantor Valdman
Refreshments served for Adults

11:00 am - Bagel Boys Selling Hot Dogs and Fixings in Community Hall $ 5.00 (hot dog, chips drink)  Vegetarian Hot Dogs Available (plus the usual bagels in the morning)

Everyone should wear a costume!

Carnival participation is a  $10 donation per child.  There will be labeled collection baskets in the rotunda, please put your donation in one of the baskets. Just drop your donation the jar and pick up a blank "OPT's Passport to Purim" to guide your activities. 

Each passport has a list of games and locations.  Children fill up squares by playing games.
Once enough squares are full, head up to the prize redemption center in upstairs conference rooms. There are games, activities and food throughout the building.

Parents supervise children during the carnival.
Photo booth 
Inflatable Basketball Hoops
Giant inflatable slides 
Arm/face painting 
Balloon Twister Guy
BAGEL BOYS (bagels+ to purchase starting at 9:30 AM and hotdogs at 11 am)
Cotton candy 
Hot dog lunch ($5/per person starting at 11 am)



Purim Carnival, Sunday March 24 = $10 donation


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