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Glasser Walk-A-Thon

Sunday, January 21, 2024 11 Sh'vat 5784

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Glasser Walk-A-Thon


WHEN & WHERE:  Sunday, January 21st from 12:30 – 1:15 PM at Glasser Preschool or from your own home.

WHAT: Walk around the temple on our walkathon route during Glasser Preschool’s biggest fundraiser of the Spring.  If you can’t make it in person on the Walkathon day - you can also do your own walkathon at home – just ask Marci for a lap sheet!

WHYTo raise money for a great cause  - OUR KIDS!  All proceeds directly benefit Glasser Preschool.

HOWCall your friends and family and fill out the form below. Then slip on your sneakers and start walking.  Join us if you can on January 21st.  Siblings, alumni, and family are encouraged to attend.

Every child who participates (either at Oak Park Temple on January 21st or from home) will receive a certificate and medal!

Please turn in all pledge payments by March 1st.



Glasser Preschool will incur significant expenses this school year for PPE, cleaning and disinfecting supplies, classroom supplies, and additional staff costs for increased cleaning time required.  These expenses are critical in providing the safest environment possible for our children and staff.


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