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Purim 5785

Abolishing the Death Penalty with Cantor Michael Zoosman

Thursday, September 3, 2020 14 Elul 5780

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Abolishing the Death Penalty with Cantor Michael Zoosman
The US Government has conducted five executions in the past two months--the first since 2003--and two more are scheduled to occur during the Days of Awe.  The Torah seems to support capital punishment, while Rabbinic legislation prohibits it.  In this season of repentance, how can our tradition guide our thinking on the death penalty?  Michael Zoosman (bio) serves as a chaplain at the National Institutes of Health and has ministered to prisoners convicted of capital offenses.  In this discussion, he'll share his own story of transformation from capital punishment advocate to abolitionist and invite us to consider the power of our own voice in this issue of life and death.

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